Meet the Eboard 2018: Sean Pham

MEET THE E-BOARD! Introducing the man who lets you know about all of our upcoming events and announcement... SEAN PHAM!
What is your major?
-Psychology Pre-Med
What are your hobbies?
-My hobbies are jamming to music, playing online games occasionally, watching sports highlights, watching some comedy shows and de-stressing with ASMR. OOO Another hobby is volleyball when I have the time.
What is your VSA journey/ why did you decide to become an E-board member? -I never really heard of XULAVA, when I began my college life at Xavier. I learned about XULAVA from flyers and my general curiosity of being more involved on campus and networking. Excitement and nervousness hit me all at once, but it has been a wonderful experience in meeting everyone. After Date Auction, I knew that XULAVA would be a great journey to be in. Danny and I mutually agreed to join together in Eboard.
Throw a fun fact! -I learned a little bit of stomp in 8th grade.